What happend to Viva Glam Gaga, the lipstick? I soooo wanted it! And now it is gone? If aaaanyone has this, please contact me on [email protected].
Please. How long have I been gone? I thought it was yesterday when I was on the mac website looking at it. Can anyone give me an update on this?
Cham Pale finns nu på..
.. kicks! Ja, äntligen har den kommit dit! Eller äntligen och äntligen, den släppts ju här i Sverige för bara några dagar sedan. Iallafall, som jag berättade i ett annat inlägg så hade jag ju några få saker jag ville spana in. Vi får se vad som händer. Ska spara till en speciell sak som händer runt maj/juni.
MAC - Cham Pale collection
Som ni kanske vet så släpps en ny kollektion här i Skandinavien imorgon. Det är MAC's Cham Pale kollektion. Kollektionen innehåller massa ljusa färger, nude så det sprutar om det!
Jag tänkte här lista lite produkter som jag planerar att köpa, det som faller mig i smak. Alltså inte alla produkter. Dom kan ni se hos Purity om ni klickar precis här.
Såhär säger MAC om kollektionen:
"The ultimate luxury when only the finest will do for the New Year: a cuvée collection that's cause for celebration...a Champagne smash, colour and skincare shimmering with all the bubbly optimism & golden glow of the best that's yet to be."
Chromagraphic pencil
- NC15/NW20 - $14.50
- Calm Mode - $14.50
- Chez Chez Lamé - $28
Translation: As you may know there is a MAC collection that is released here in Scandinavium tomorrow. And that is the MAC Cham Pale collection. The collection is inspired by champagne (therefore the name) and the colours are light colours, mostly nude.
I thought I might list some products that interest me and that I might buy. So not all products. You can find all the products at Purity's blog, right here.
This is what MAC has to say about the collection:
"The ultimate luxury when only the finest will do for the New Year: a cuvée collection that's cause for celebration...a Champagne smash, colour and skincare shimmering with all the bubbly optimism & golden glow of the best that's yet to be."
Chromagraphic pencil
- NC15/NW20 - $14.50
- Calm Mode - $14.50
- Chez Chez Lamé - $28